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How You Can Save A Fortune On Pay Per Click Campaign

Finally there is an alternative answer to expensive pay per click campaigns and getting your web site promoted. The good news is that you do not have to pay a fortune to get good visibility. You also do not have to pay exorbitant amounts of money every month to Google AdSense and sponsored link programs to pop up in the top ten of the search engines.

You can actually achieve great rankings in Google and Yahoo organically. This means that the search engines actually come looking for you. The great news here is that you don’t have to spend a mint on getting to the very top. Not only can you get there in the top ten but you can actually get 8 out of the top 10. Sound impossible? For Ted Cantu it’s quite easy.

“This is something I started doing for my fellow Dan Kennedy IBA members in Brighton, Michigan. I started to test out new theories in practice on my coaching group members and we started getting some phenomenal results” explains Detroit area based Cantu. “The key for us was to use all of the tools that Google has to offer”.

Google has really led the way when it comes to buying Internet technology. In the recent months it has acquired Feedburner and its RSS technology which allows web surfers to subscribe to its favorite content on the web. It has also acquired Blogger which enables Internet web geeks to post to an easy to use blog format. You can combine these tools together and have them work together promoting your web pages. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Google has purchased more tools for its users and therefore has really led the way on the web. Yahoo hasn’t followed through with these types of acquisitions and in some sense has lost its popularity. Just recently Yahoo has given up its Podcast platform which allowed its members to post audio shows and messages on the web.

You can begin to create some really great things when you combine these things together. When they work hand in hand incredible things can occur including high search engine rankings.

Blending In All The Right Ingredients

You want to make sure you use all of the tools that the web has to offer. There are an abundant of tools out there now that you can use including blogs, RSS feeds, podcasting, audio messages, and web video just to name a few. The magic ingredient that holds all of this together is good solid sales copywriting to lure in your prospects.

Keep in mind that the web was originally created to share information. Your potential clients do not sign on initially to buy stuff off of the web. They will first research their material on the web first before making any kind of commitment to buy something. But once you get them to commit to you the real money making magic can begin.

So what kind of results are possible by using all facets of the web?

Try putting your web pages at the very top ten on the web. Results have varied but some of the top records placed some clients at the very tip top of 17 million pages. This was all done without the aid of pay per click and sponsored link programs.

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